
Bow Valley Non-Profit Grant Meetings

Would you like to learn more about grant opportunities? Join a local group, in person or virtually, on the second Thursday of each month from 10:15 am to 12:15 pm at the Canmore Public Library. Contact Elle West at the Town of Canmore for more details: [email protected].

  • August 8th, 2024
  • September 12h, 2024 
  • October 10th, 2024
  • November 14th, 2024
  • December 12th, 2024

These meetings focus on connecting to the Grant Connect Database and finding upcoming grant opportunities. The group discusses ways to develop partnership opportunities, collaborate on events, share resources & grants, and discuss grant writing best practices. Any Bow Valley organizations seeking funding or grant opportunities are welcome to join! Feel free to invite others who may benefit.

Alberta Government’s Online Grant Tool 

Alberta’s not-for-profit organizations and charities now have a one-stop shop to access the supports and services they need to start, manage and grow. To simplify access to these resources, the Department of Arts, Culture and Status of Women has launched a new online tool that allows workers or volunteers in these organizations to find and access services, funding and programs that can help them.

In 2021, the Red Tape Reduction Non-profit Industry Panel identified that Alberta non-profits had difficulty accessing supports and navigating information about services provided by Alberta’s government. The panel suggested that a one-window approach could assist the sector in identifying relevant services and funding opportunities. This new tool is the answer to navigation difficulties.

Click here to view the new online tool for Alberta non-profits

NEW Grant Funding Opportunities – Summer/Fall 2024

Government of Canada Enabling Accessibility Fund

This funding opportunity aims to make communities and workplaces across Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities. It will fund projects that create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in community activities, programs and services, and access employment.
*Application deadline is July 23, 2024

Accessibility Standards Canada’s Grants
The purpose of this program is to fund research projects that inform the development of next-generation accessibility standards.
Projects funded under this program must involve:
• people with disabilities
• experts with disabilities and lived experience
• other experts and organization
*Call for expressions of interest open until August 16, 2024

Calgary Arts Development Future Focus Program
May include projects such as:
• Making shifts to business models and organizational structures.
• Investigating and implementing new revenue generating models that do not rely on fundraising activities.
• Changing the way your organization is registered/incorporated.
• Forming strategic partnerships with other organizations, including resource sharing.
• Developing strategies for new directions.
• Major shift in organizational mission or activity to support mission.
• Venue and space investigations.
• Assessment of organizational capacity and ‘right sizing’.
• Planning for leadership succession from founding and longstanding leaders.
• Addressing organizational life cycle questions, including potential mergers and closures.
*Application deadline is August 16

CMHC Co-op Housing development Program
To be eligible for this funding, you must be developing a project that will operate as rental co-operative housing.
Eligible applicants:
• New and existing non-profit housing co-operatives:
o As stand-alone co-operatives or in partnership with another non-profit (for example land trusts)
o Student housing co-operatives
o Senior’s housing co-operatives
o Indigenous co-operatives
• Indigenous co-operatives
• Land trusts
• Indigenous governments and organizations (including First Nations, Métis and Inuit, Tribal Councils and Indigenous housing providers)
*Applications open until September 15, 2024

Alberta Foundation for the Arts Indigenous Arets Individual Project Funding
Supports the development of an individual Indigenous artist, arts administrators, or an ensemble of artists in Alberta by providing funding for a specific cultural or artistic project.
*Application deadline September 3, 2024

Alberta Ecotrust Springboard Grant

This grant responds to the urgency of both the biodiversity and climate crises as well as advancing the circular economy and has four focus areas:

  • Nature-based Solutions & Conservation
  • Climate Resilience & Emissions Reductions
  • Circular Economy
  • Overarching/Foundational

Applications will open July 2024

Calgary Arts Development Honouring the Children Grant

For Indigenous artists or Indigenous arts organizations who live and work on Treaty 7 territory, to support artistic projects responding to, honouring or in memory of the loss of life, culture, ceremony and language amongst the original peoples of this land because of the residential school system.

Applications open until funds are allocated or until August 15, 2024

Indigenous Arts Individual Project Funding

This funding provides up to $15,000 to support the development of an individual Indigenous artist, arts administrators, or an ensemble of artists in Alberta. Through this opportunity, you may apply for project funding to support artistic and cultural activities:

  • artistic and cultural production
  • marketing
  • research
  • training and career development

Application deadline is September 3, 2024

Municipal District of Bighorn

The MD of Bighorn provides Community Services Grants (CSG) for an eligible organization’s operational and maintenance projects.

• Initiatives / causes / purposes of a broader scope, that will benefit the Municipal District
• Organizations sponsoring special activities of benefit to MD residents
• Recognized community associations and other groups seeking funds for recreation, culture, family & community support services and facility-related projects.

* Applications are due the 4th Friday of September


CIP Project-Based Grants

This program provides ongoing funding to new community-based programs, initiatives, events and publications. The Community Initiatives Program (CIP), Project-Based grant stream supports projects that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for:

  • new programs
  • enhancement to an existing program
  • community events
  • gender equity projects
  • technology
  • portable equipment

Annual application intake deadline – September 15. Details are in the CIP Project-Based guidelines.

Ongoing Funding Opportunities


Government of Canada, Canadian Heritage Legacy Fund

Funding supports community-initiated capital projects that:
• commemorate a significant local historical event or pay tribute to a significant local historical personality;
• mark a 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (e.g., 125th, 150th);
• involve the restoration, renovation, or transformation of existing buildings or exterior spaces with local community significance that are intended for community use;
• encourage arts and heritage activities in the local community that are intended for and accessible to the general public.

*Projects must be submitted before the anniversary date of the event or personality to be commemorated.

Volunteer Alberta Screening Development Grant

For nonprofit organizations currently operating in Alberta, with a sole mandate to provide publicly accessible programs and services to the broader community, who have more than 10 volunteers a year requiring vulnerable sector checks.

Government of Canada Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program

This provides funding to community-based events that:

  • promote intercultural or interfaith understanding
  • promote discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination
  • celebrate a community’s history and culture such as heritage months recognized by Parliament

There is no fixed deadline, however, it is advised that your application be submitted 18 weeks prior to the proposed event start date. 

Crowdfunding Alberta 

Non-profit organizations create their campaigns and invite supporters to share on social media and donate. The organization receives all of the donations raised, less third party payment processing fees and optional platform fees, whether they reach their funding goal or not. The Government of Alberta will match 30% of funds raised by an eligible campaign in its first 8 weeks on the platform.


HJR Consulting

Granting priorities are focused on creating the individual and systemic conditions necessary for people to realize their full potential. Priorities focus on those with immediate needs and children, youth and families who are economically disadvantaged. Grants support organizations that deliver measurable impact in support of that vision.

The application process begins with a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) found by clicking the New Application button in portal. LOIs can be submitted at any time.


Government of Canada Community Economic Development Services Funding

Examples of eligible activities include:

  • Community Development – includes activities to stimulate economic growth or diversification that capitalize on community capacity, strengths and opportunities.
  • Community Adjustment – includes activities to support Prairie communities facing economic shocks, challenging economic circumstances and/or depressed economic conditions.
  • Inclusiveness – includes activities that help women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, official language minority communities and other underrepresented groups participate in the economy

The CEDD program uses a 2-stage continuous intake approach:

  • Expression of interest (EOI)This abbreviated on-line application form lets you describe the proposed project purpose, rationale, eligibility, activities and budget.
  • Full application: If your project advances to the second stage, we invite you to provide more details about the project through our online portal. This may include financial statements, confirmation of other sources of funding and other project information


Canada-Alberta Job Grant

A training program where an employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Training must be:

  • total 21 instructional hours or longer per trainee per application
  • start within 6 months after receiving Canada-Alberta Job Grant approval
  • be completed within 52 weeks of the training courses start date
  • result in some credential (record of completion, certification, grade, and so on)
  • Training may be delivered on a full or part-time basis, and may be any combination of online, on-site or in a classroom setting.


Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation (SPAR) Donation Fund Program encourages support for the development of sport, physical activity and recreation in Alberta. Eligible sport, physical activity and recreation development programs are those delivered directly or in partnership with the organizations enrolled in the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Donation Fund Program.


RBC Youth Mental Health Project

This project funds programs that address youth and family’s immediate need to access mental health services. This fund will support organizations and programs that target youth aged 13-24, and where applicable, their families. Must be a registered charitable organization.


Electronics Recycling Association

They collect used electronic equipment and repurpose them for charities/nonprofits: “The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) is a non-profit organization committed to reducing unnecessary electronic waste by recycling and repurposing used electronics. We work with local companies to repurpose used electronics and IT equipment in a safe and secure manner. Our team works with community charities to provide repurposed computers and electronics to those in need.”

Requests must be made by one of the following (Canada-based only):

  • Not-for-Profit Organizations
  • Charitable Organization
  • Care Facilities (ie: hospitals, seniors’ homes)
  • Educational Institutions

Childcare Space Creation Grant

Open to non-profit groups and licensed family day home agencies interested in creating new child care spaces or expanding existing child care programs. The creation of spaces will be targeted in areas of high need and high demand for childcare spaces through 4 funding categories:

  • Expanding or creating new licensed facilities in locations identified as child care deserts (communities where there is limited to no child care)
  •  Existing and new family day home agencies creating spaces in child care deserts (communities where there is limited to no child care) and areas of high demand
  • Expanding existing licensed facilities where there is high demand
  • New licensed facilities where there is high demand

Submissions are currently being accepted, no deadline is stated. For any Canmore-based childcare agencies interested in applying, please see the recent Canmore Childcare Assessment – (bottom right corner of page under “reports”)

Community Economic Development and Diversification Program

Eligible project activities help develop and diversify the Canadian Prairies economy (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba) and include:

  • Community Development – activities to stimulate economic growth or diversification that capitalize on community capacity, strengths, and opportunities.
  • Community Adjustment – activities to support Prairie communities facing economic shocks, challenging economic circumstances and/or depressed economic conditions.
  • Inclusiveness – activities that help women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, official language minority communities and other underrepresented groups participate in the economy

Eligible applicants include incorporated not-for-profits, post-secondary institutions, First Nations and Métis Settlements, and provincial/municipal crown corporations. The CEDD program generally provides non-repayable contributions by reimbursing costs that successful applicants have paid. There is no deadline.

Indigenous Leadership Fund

Supports climate action by Indigenous peoples through funding for Indigenous-owned and led renewable energy, energy efficiency, and low-carbon heating projects. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until March 31, 2027.

Alberta Arts Grants Calendar 

The Roza Foundation offers a grant calendar with upcoming grant deadlines for funding available to arts organizations and artists in Alberta. The list includes public funders at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels, along with private foundations that support the arts in Alberta. –> Click here to view the grant calendar

Statistic & Demographics Resources

Funding applications often require research into statistics and demographic data that help support the application. Below are some useful resource links.


Local & Provincial Funding Opportunities

  • Community Grants: Town of Canmore – Community Event Grant and a Community Initiative Grant. Information sessions usually run in April.
  • Town of Banff – Community Grants – For registered non-profit charities and societies in Banff. Projects, programs, events, operating costs, equipment or start-up funds that benefit Banff residents and enhance their quality of life in accordance with the Town of Banff’s vision, goals, and strategic priorities. Grants up to $5,000. The total grant money available is $10,000 for all grants awarded. Grant applications typically open from the end of March to the end of April.
  • Town of Banff – Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) – Building Bridges Grant – For community and neighbourhood groups and individuals in Banff and Lake Louise. Projects that fit with the FCSS mission of strengthening the social well-being of individuals, families and community (recreation initiatives that achieve this mission will be considered). Typical grant size is between $100 and $2,000. Total grant money available is $6,000. * This is one of the few grants available to non-profit organizations who are not registered.
  • The Banff Canmore Foundation Community Grants on an annual basis across the following sectors to qualified donees: arts, education, environment, health, heritage, and recreation and social services. Outside of the granting cycle, the foundation also awards three scholarships: the Lafarge Education Endowment Fund scholarship, the Marika Laub Memorial Scholarship, and the Christie Foreman & Christopher Wong Scholarship Endowment Fund.
  • Communities | Lafarge Canada – Each year, Lafarge contributes volunteer time, in-kind donations and funding to a range of organizations committed to building local communities. To help guide sponsorship and support, Lafarge looks for projects that support these three core community values: education, environment and sustainable construction.
  • Bow Valley Credit Union Sponsorships – Bow Valley Credit Union is actively focused on growing the communities where we live and work. Through our Community Investment Program, BVCU helps our communities grow stronger and become better places to live through sponsorships and donations. We are focused and proactive with emphasis on our youth and community based projects.
  • Calgary Foundation Grants – Exists to support charitable organizations working to build a community where everyone feels they belong. With over 60 years of community leadership, we are proud to partner with hundreds of organizations each year through thoughtful, impactful and innovative grants.
  • Canmore Rotary – Founded in 1991, the Rotary Club of Canmore has raised more than one million dollars to support a wide variety of local and international projects – each serving to raise the profile of Canmore internationally, as well as help individuals and local community groups tackle activities which contribute to the quality of life in the Bow Valley and in many communities in developing countries.
  • Grant Programs | Municipal District of Bighorn, AB – Provides grants, to eligible recipients, for various purposes. Applications are reviewed by the Community Services Board in September each year.
  • Charitable Gaming | Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) – Alberta has a unique charitable gaming model. It is the only province in Canada where charitable organizations are licensed to conduct and manage casino events. AGLC also licenses charitable organizations to fundraise through bingo, as well as selling raffle and pull tickets.
  • Field Law Community Fund Program – Field Law – This annual program supports individuals, groups or organizations in Alberta and the Northwest Territories with pay-it-forward ideas for their communities. A total of $75,000 is divided among our Community Markets, with $30,000 distributed in the Southern Alberta Community Market; $30,000 distributed in the Northern Alberta Community Market; and $15,000 distributed in the Northwest Territories Community Market.
  • Trailblazer Fund for Non-Profits – Switchback Creative – Annual fund for non-profit organizations that are doing really great work and have design, web or branding challenges. Apply for a chance to receive $10,000 in services from Switchback Creative. Applications open every September.

TIP: A Grants Database can help you identify grants available specific to your project. The Banff Public Library hosts the Grant Connect Database. A copy of the Canadian Subsidy Directory: Subsidies, Grants and Loans are available through Town of Canmore FCSS.

Bow Valley Non-Profit Funding Opportunities

Alberta Government Provincial  Funding Opportunities

  • Alberta Government – Grant for Non-Profits – Financial assistance for non-profit organizations, including the Community Initiatives and Community Facility Enhancement programs.
  • Community Initiatives Program (CIP) – Supports not-for-profit organizations by providing funds to enhance and enrich project-based initiatives throughout Alberta. Supports initiatives such as community services, seniors services, libraries, arts and culture, sports, educations, health and recreation.
  • Crowdfunding Alberta | Investing in our future, together – Crowdfunding Alberta is a made-for-Alberta crowdfunding platform. It helps to connect Alberta’s non-profit organizations with supporters and donors for fundraising campaigns.
  • Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) – Assists Alberta’s municipalities and not-for-profit organizations with the costs of planning, upgrading and developing a wide range of community-use facilities and places which enhance community life and citizen well-being.

Government of Canada: Federal Funding Opportunities

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